About Us

If I were to ask my family and friends to describe my husband and I, I'm pretty sure they would use the word "frugal" a lot. We enjoy clipping coupons and shopping for good deals. It's almost like a game to us!
My dad would also add the word "hippie" to our description. We bring our own bags to the grocery store and we also recycle all paper, plastic, and glass items. Before we buy anything "new", we always look for "gently used" items first.
We like to call ourselves "Frugally green". We don't like spending a lot of money, and we like to live an environmentally responsible life.
Most of the time combining the two attributes is very hard, so being Frugally green has become a life style. It has determined what kind of car we drive, what we eat, and even where we live. Follow us as we embark in this blogging adventure!

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