From Trash To Treasure!

I found these chairs in the trash! I was driving to my parent’s house when I saw them on the side of the road. While hanging out with my family, I kept thinking about them, so on the way back to my house, I stopped and loaded two of the chairs into my car. My aunt was with me. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m a little on the crazy side, but I’m ok with that. I’ve always wanted to learn how to reupholster something and I thought these chairs would be an easy first project.
I started by wiping them with a rag. All the dirt and paper that was stuck to them came right off. I didn’t even have to sand or re-stain them!! I unscrewed the cushions from the chairs and started to rip the old fabric off. That was the grossest part of the whole process. The old cushion was saggy and stinky. I started to imagine all the bum-bums that once sat on those chairs, and how many toots those old cushions must have endured. I almost quit right at that thought, but I didn’t. I was too far into the process to give up.
I tossed all the nasty material away.I purchased new padding and fabric at the craft store. I used a staple gun to attach them back to the chairs. Total cost? $6 for each chair.
I would like to think there are no more toot particles stuck to the cushions now, but with a family like mine, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I'm impressed by your courage and your time management skills- finding the time to do all this and THEN finding the time to share with us on your blog :)